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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Please Enlighten Me 

I have a problem. It's kind of a big problem and it seems to only get bigger with each passing day. The problem that I have is with this illegal immigration issue. It keeps getting attention, but coming up short on an actual solution. I would love it if someone would explain to me what the problem is with enforcing the laws of the land.

Illegal immigration, as you may or may not be aware, is not a new problem. People have been coming to this country illegally since the constitution was ratified in 1787. People will continue to come to this country illegally. What blows my mind is how it seems that every time we try to enforce laws regarding illegal immigration, there is someone at the other end countering that law. It makes it seem like there is no way to protect ourselves.

I was watching a news report this evening about a town in Utah where the citizens are fed up with the illegal immigration and want the city to do something. They feel that the city is encouraging illegal immigration by not cracking down on the businesses that hire illegal workers. The report goes on to say that the city's hands are tied because this is in the domain of the federal government and that cities have been sued because they have tried what the citizens are requesting. I'm sorry, but how does someone who is living in the U.S. illegally have the ability to sue a U.S. city because they were caught residing and working here illegally? That makes absolutely no sense. An illegal immigrant is just that: ILLEGAL! They have no rights. They have no legal protection in this country. I can claim fairly certainly that if I were to be living in Mexico or in pretty much any other country in the world illegally, they would not have any qualms about throwing the book at me. And guess what! They would be totally justified in doing so. So why is it that we can't seem to do the same in the United States? Why is it that so-and-so illegal alien has more legal protection than a law-abiding citizen? It makes no sense. And to put the maraschino cherry on top of this little dessert, a representative of the Hispanic community stated that he had concerns about discrimination if new laws were to be enacted. Excuse me? These laws are not put in place as tools of discrimination. They will punish illegal Germans, Brits, and Canuks just as fast as they will Hispanics. It just so happens that a vast majority of the illegal immigrants in this country are Hispanics. So, if the laws are going to be discriminatory, then what, pray tell, would you suggest we do?

I would really like to get more information on this. It's driving me crazy. I live and work in the United States. I have done so all my life. I am proud of this land and believe it to be the best land in the world. I am now seeing the greatness of this country being eroded away by the massive influx of foreign nationals. I can hardly go to the grocery store without reading everything in both English and Spanish. There are now more Spanish-language radio stations in my area than English-language ones. When did my country suddenly drop south of the border? And you know what's even worse? I feel that if I try to complain too much about all this, I'll be labeled a supremacist or racist or a bigot or something along those lines. I just don't get it. When did I become unwelcome in my own country? When did standing up for and defending our freedoms become so unpopular?

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