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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Property Paradox 

I made a mistake two years ago when I agreed to buy a house. Houses are nice to have but completely unnecessary. If you buy a house, you put yourself at the mercy of the economy really badly. One second you could be happily enjoying your dwelling thinking of the return on investment and the next second you'll be losing thousands on it. It just sucks and I can't believe I actually bought one.

The problem with my house really stems from my distrust and general dislike of my neighbor. He has abused us ever since we've lived in our house, generally for things we have no control over. I can see the point for his anger towards us, but there is nothing I can do about it. I do not have the funds to completely fix up the yard and the driveway so that they look beautiful; and even if I did, I don't think I would because I don't have the patience to keep up on them. Then there are other ongoing costs such as re-roofing the house and replacing windows and so on. Owning a freaking house is bloody expensive!

You see, I am not cut out to own property. For one, yard work absolutely turns my stomach. I don't necessarily mind mowing the grass, but planting and weeding and trimming and pruning... Those are for the birds for all I care. I have no interest in doing any of that. I'd just as soon pave the entire property with asphalt and forget the whole thing. That's my spring/summer dilemma.

This is my winter dilemma: I hate snow. I do not like to shovel it. I can't stand slipping and falling down in it. I don't like the fact that it increases minor traffic accidents by like 3000%. Snow just simply sucks. It sucks that during the winter there are snowstorms that last for like a week straight. It is no wonder that I fall into a bad depression during the winter months.

I really wish I did not have this house tying me down. It was a bad decision to buy it and it will be impossible to sell it for anything close to what we want to get out of it. I wish to simply live in an apartment or something where all I have to do is keep my living quarters clean, which I do happily. I don't want to do yard work; I don't want to shovel snow. I don't mind so much doing those things if it's a community effort. But here, I feel like it's me against the world.

It will be a VERY long time (if it ever happens) before I am comfortable buying another house. All I want to do at this point is offload this house and leave. So there you have it.

Hello Brother! How are you? I just thought I would drop a little line and say hi! It's been a while!! Love you nd good luck with everything!!!
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